Russell Stannard

Russell Stannard is a multi award-winning Educational Technologist and founder of He has more than 80,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel. He received awards from the British Council ELTONS, the Times Higher and the University of Westminster for his work in the use of ICT in education. He trains language educators in the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning. His focus is on the use of technology outside of the classroom to extend learning options for students. Still, he has also worked on the development of blended learning delivery and, more recently, AI. He has presented in more than 50 countries. 

Title: Key AI technologies that are already impacting on language learning 


In this highly practical talk Russell will focus on some of the most interesting AI tools that are emerging in the area of language education. He will demonstrate simple tools that have free options and provide practical ideas that you can immediately implement and use in the delivery of your language lessons. The focus will be on saving teachers’ time, making lessons more interactive and collaborative, but he will also focus on the role AI can play in language learning autonomy. This is a talk packed with ideas around a few key AI tools. 


Patryk Mauer (Opole University of Technology) 

In 2022, I began my doctoral studies in Technical Informatics and Telecommunications at the Opole University of Technology. My research interests focus on three key areas: business process automation, data extraction from websites, and artificial intelligence applications and theory. I aspire to contribute to the development of these fields by researching and practically applying modern technologies in the business and academic sectors. 

Title: Artificial Intelligence in Education: The Future of Learning and Teaching 


In the digital transformation era, artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the education sector, opening new possibilities for personalising learning and teaching. This lecture focuses on presenting current applications of AI in education, such as intelligent systems supporting the learning process and assessing student progress. Also, it analyses the long-term impact of technology on educational accessibility and equality. Ethical and social challenges, including issues of privacy and bias in algorithms, are also discussed. The presentation aims to highlight the role of AI in shaping the future of education, addressing a broad audience interested in the impact of technology on society. 


Wujec-Kaczmarek (MCWE/University of Opole), dr A. Szymańska (University of Opole, Secondary School No 1 in Opole)

Alicja Wujec Kaczmarek is an experienced English teacher specialising in introducing information and communication technologies into language teaching, a scholarship holder of the U.S. Department of State and a graduate of many methodological courses at home and abroad. She is a certified teacher, matriculation examiner and educator. She has been employed at Opole University and secondary schools in Opole. Moreover, she works as an English language consultant at the Municipal Teacher Training Centre in Opole, where, for the last 12 years, she has designed and run teachers’ training courses on teaching English as a foreign language and ICT in teaching. 

Aleksandra Szymanska, PhD, is an English teacher and lecturer working with students of different ages. She is a reviewer and author of exam papers for CKE and a co-author of the Matura Repetytorium published by PWN and Cambridge University Press. She is involved in Erasmus Plus projects that incorporate multicultural cooperation. Engaged in introducing technology into the classroom, she is constantly inspired by AI’s new functionalities. 

Title: AI your assistant teacher 

The presentation explores the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of teaching English as a foreign language, shedding light on the significant benefits it offers to educators. With a focus on empowering teachers, the session outlines how AI tools and techniques can augment teaching practices, leading to enhanced learning experiences and improved outcomes for language learners. 


dr M. Szyszka (University of Opole) 

Magdalena Szyszka, PhD, has extensive experience teaching English phonetics, EFL methodology, and courses on teaching EFL pronunciation. Her hobbies are gardening, skiing, and knitting, while her professional interests comprise pronunciation learning strategies, pronunciation pedagogy, and speech fluency. She recently participated in the Fluency and Disfluency Features in L2 English (FDF2) project at the University of Turku, Finland, funded by the Research Council of Finland (decision number 331903). 

Title: Technologically enhanced pronunciation teaching 

EFL teachers usually have minimal time to focus exclusively on teaching pronunciation in the classroom. Knowing what applications are available and what content they offer is essential to encourage learners to engage in out-of-class pronunciation learning with minimal teacher guidance. The workshop will provide a quick overview of selected pronunciation apps for mobile-assisted pronunciation training (MAPT) and their functionalities. 



M. Kaźmierkiewicz (IATEFL Poland, AFiB Vistula) 

Magdalena Kazmierkiewicz is a teaching methodologist, university lecturer in English Philology English, teacher trainer, and, above all, is fascinated with (accompaniment in) development. For years, she was associated with the private language education sector, working as a methodologist, director of teaching, and methodological consultant. She has worked with foundations and associations, including PASE Association as content coordinator of conferences for teachers (PASE Young Learners and PASE Lecturer Hats in 2018-2020), IATEFL Poland as a Board Member for the Board of Directors. International, or coordinator of the Continuous Professional Teacher Development SIG (2018-currently), or with the Give Children Strength Foundation as an educational project methodologist. Currently teaches English from a specialised perspective on the practical profile of English Philology at the Vistula University in Warsaw and is also involved in preparing students to enter the labour market by coordinating student internships. Privately, she is the wife of Piotr and mother of Karolina and Joachim, who daily fill every “free” space of a working mom with a smile and a beautiful-sounding chirping. She loves mountains and forest walks and is addicted to coffee and books 🙂 

Title: AI in Language education 


Artificial intelligence has almost taken over the world, ubiquitous in virtually every area of our lives. And yet, it often causes more anxiety than joy or satisfaction with access to various tools that can (!) help us in our daily work as teachers. You are warmly invited to a workshop where we will explore some AI tools that will hopefully save our time and give us the joy of discovering new possibilities. 


D. Kamińska (University of Opole) 


Dorota Kaminska, MA, is a senior lecturer at the University of Opole’s Faculty of Philology. She teaches practical English language skills, English for specific purposes, and English teaching methodology classes. Her research interests include CLIL and the use of ICT tools in language teaching. 


Title: Developing writing skills in English – ChatGPT strategies for success 


The workshop explores practical applications of ChatGPT to enhance students’ writing skills in English. Participants will investigate effective integration methods and receive practical tips for using this AI tool to improve teaching practices, ultimately leading to enhanced learning outcomes for language learners. 


dr Anna Kozioł (warsztat po polsku) 

Dyplomowany nauczycielka języka angielskiego, redaktorka, autorka, egzaminatorka, aktywna uczestniczka społeczności edukacyjnej. Współtworzyła Informator o egzaminie maturalnym z języka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2022/2023. Specjalizuje się w zagadnieniach związanych z testowaniem i pomiarem językowym. Interesuje się psychologią w zakresie różnic indywidualnych i osobowości. 

Tytuł: Z AI do egzaminów 

Podczas warsztatów skupimy się na wykorzystaniu sztucznej inteligencji (AI) w procesie przygotowywania uczniów do egzaminów zewnętrznych z języka angielskiego (ustnych i pisemnych). Zaprezentowane zostaną różne narzędzia AI, w tym programy do generowania grafik. Omówione będą zalety takiego podejścia, którym zdecydowanie jest personalizacja materiałów do poziomu i potrzeb ucznia i nauczyciela. Przedstawione będą również wyzwania związane z używaniem AI, takie jak potrzeba weryfikacji otrzymanych materiałów pod względem merytorycznym i jakościowym. W efekcie spotkania uczestnicy zostaną zainspirowani do refleksji nad przyszłością edukacji językowej, opartej na nowoczesnych technologiach. 


Małgorzata Adams-Tukiendorf, PhD (UO Opole)

Mindfulness in education

Mindfulness in education: You are welcome to join dr M. Adams-Tukiendorf for a short workshop introducing mindfulness as a practice in education. Participants will experience a few short mindfulness exercises, learn about the benefits of mindfulness and discuss the potential place of that practice in the professional educational context.

Małgorzata Adams-Tukiendorf, PhD – a senior lecturer at the Institute of Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, University of Opole; an academic with years of experience in teaching EFL methodology and teacher training dedicated to popularizing reflection, creative thinking and mindfulness among teachers. An author of a writing manual for students, a group trainer, a coach and an academic tutor and mentor.; passionate about the personal and academic development of students, a specialist in communication via transactional analysis.



M. Nakonieczna (Miejskie Centrum Wspomagania Edukacji w Opolu) 

Marta Nakonieczna, psycholog Miejskiej Poradni Psychologiczno-Pedagogicznej w Miejskim Centrum Wspomagania Edukacji w Opolu. Diagnozuje trudności edukacyjne i zaburzenia uczenia się od 12 lat. Stale zajmująca się specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi dzieci w zakresie poradnictwa i terapii w tym treningu poznawczego. W prywatnym czasie odkrywająca modele komunikacyjne i procesy twórcze w czasie Role Playing Games. 

Tytuł: Narzędzia cyfrowe w edukacji włączającej – poradnik dla nauczycieli (workshop in Polish)  

Zdolności poznawcze są podstawą do odbierania, przetwarzania i przekazywania informacji. Pamięć, uwaga, rozumowanie i mowa pozwalają nam na sprawne funkcjonowanie w życiu codziennym. Psychologia rozróżnia te funkcje, by jak najszerzej obejmować zdolności człowieka. Bazując na tych podstawach wskazać możemy te obszary, 

w których jednostka potrzebuje ćwiczeń, by lepiej odbierać i komunikować się ze światem zewnętrznym. Ważnym czynnikiem są również emocje, które mogą wspomóc lub utrudnić prawidłowe funkcjonowanie. 

Bez względu na to, jakiego przedmiotu uczy nauczyciel, zawsze bazuje na zdolnościach poznawczych i emocjach dziecka, by przekazać mu jak najwięcej wiedzy i umiejętnoścś i. Trudności, jakie napotyka w swojej pracy, często wynikają ze słabszych zdolności i/lub barier w funkcjonowaniu danego obszaru poznawczego lub emocjonalnego dziecka. 

Niniejszy warsztat ma na celu opisanie w skrócie podstawowych funkcji poznawczych człowieka oraz przedstawienie, jakie trudności w nauce związane z zaburzeniami na tych polach mogą pojawić się u dzieci i młodzieży. Ponadto omówione zostaną narzędzia cyfrowe, które są pomocne przy pracy z dzieckiem posiadającym wspomniane trudności. 


Anna Mróz (University of Opole) 

Anna Mróz is a senior lecturer at the Foreign Language Centre (Studium Języków Obcych) at the University of Opole, where she teaches General English courses and specialist ones (from business, medicine, and other disciplines). She is also the founder of the English Language Club, where she conducts workshops related to the culture of the UK, public speaking, various aspects of learning English, and elements of pop culture. Her main research interests are centred on foreign language methodology, particularly teaching and vocabulary learning strategies, as well as the use of mobile applications and electronic platforms for language learning. In addition, she is interested in media discourse analysis and cultural identity, which is related to her second degree in sociology from the University of Glasgow. She enjoys reading books, listening to music, and walking in the forest in her spare time. 

Title: Digital Frontiers in Language Education: Harnessing Freemium Apps for Enhanced English Teaching 


The digital revolution offers unprecedented opportunities in the field of foreign language education, introducing a wide range of freemium applications that have the potential to enrich the teaching and learning of English. This workshop thoroughly examines how these no-cost digital tools can become integral to modern English language classrooms. It highlights the varied functionalities provided by a carefully curated selection of mobile applications. Attendees will discover how each application can strategically enhance lesson plans and homework assignments, from improving vocabulary learning to refining pronunciation and facilitating cloze exercises. The workshop presents practical strategies for educators to incorporate these technologies into their teaching practices to boost student engagement.