Zagadnienia międzykulturowe w nauce języków obcych, badania nad podręcznikami, krytyczna analiza dyskursu, psychopedagogiczne aspekty kształcenia nauczycieli, pedagogika krytyczna i edukacja na rzecz sprawiedliwości społecznej / intercultural issues in foreign language learning, textbooks research, Critical Discourse Analysis, psycho-pedagogical aspects of teacher training, critical pedagogy and social justice education.
Wybrane artykuły i rozdziały/Selected articles and chapters:
2023, Presence, Masks, Traces, and Absences. The Women’s Strike in the Selected Titles of the Teachers’ Press in Poland, Culture and Education, 2, p. 49-63. DOI:10.15804/kie.2023.02.03
2021, „Crossing the borders of own culture, stepping on frontiers”: Textbooks and intercultural communication, Beyond Philology: An International Journal of Linguistics, Literary Studies and English Language Teaching, 18 (4), p. 35-59, DOI:10.26881/bp.2010.4.02 (Adams-Tukiendorf, M. – co-author).
2019, Intercultural and global dimension of textbooks – points of consideration for language teachers, Beyond Philology: An International Journal of Linguistics, Literary Studies and English Language Teaching, 16(3), p. 81-99, (Y. Biniecki, S – co-author).
2017, Ethnicity in the educational materials. A view through the lenses of critical pedagogy. In: Z. Jasiński, K. Neisch, M. Pogorzelska, Oświata i kultura w wielokulturowym świecie. Wielość perspektyw i doświadczeń, Opole, p. 165-175.
2016, Creating the image of people with disabilities in formal education. Analysis of the textbooks used in the chosen European countries, Studies in Global Ethics and Global Education, 5, p. 28-38.
2016, The sociopolitical background of institutionalized homophobia in the Polish system of education. In: A. Brismark, A. Hulling, E. Konieczna, M. Pogorzelska (red.), Challenges to social diversity. A map of problems and proposals for “good practices, Karlstad, Opole, p. 29 -43.
2016, How the Issue of Unemployment and the Unemployed Is Treated in Adult Education Literature within Polish and U.S. Contexts. In: N. Popov (red.), Education Provision to Every One : Comparing Perspectives from Around the World , 14, nr 1, Sofia , Bulgarian Comparative Education Society , s.84-90, ISBN 978-954-92908-9-9
2015, Social Jusice Adult Education : comparative Perspectives from Poland and the United States. In: J. Zacharakis, R. A. Collins, D. Bartel (red.), Proceedings of the 56th Annual Adult Education Research Conference, May 19-22, 2015, Kansas State University Manhattan, p. 62-67 (Biniecki Yelich Susan M. – co-author).
2014, Intercultural education-Swedish textbooks as the source of inspiration for Polish educators, Edukacja Międzykulturowa, 3, p. 154-172, 2014.
2013, Challenging xenophobia in Polish formal education : the present state and possible sources of inspiration. In: A. Kamińska, K. Denek, P. Oleśniewicz (red.), Education and upbringing in the educational school system, Sosnowiec, p.169-179, ISBN 9788361991076.
2012, Diversity and human right in teacher education : chosen elements of Polish and Irish approach to the problem. In: J. Madalińska-Michalak, H. Niemi Hannele, S. Chong (red.), Research, policy and practice in teacher education in Europe, Łódź, p. 105-115, ISBN 9788375258097.
2024, grant Narodowego Centrum Nauki/grant from the National Science Center ( Miniatura 8, Rola podręczników językowych w budowaniu kompetencji międzykulturowych/The role of language textbooks in building intercultural competences. The case of Sweden).
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