The compulsory safety training in English will take place online (via MS TEAMS) on 27.01.2023 (Friday) at 15:30.
The course will have a form of self-study. Please download the materials attached to the meeting (left in the files).
At 18:00 a short test will open. Take the test and choose the correct answer to each question. This will be a confirmation of your presence on Safety Training in the winter semester of 2022-2023.
You have time from 18:00 to 18:30 to take the test today (27.01.2023).
Please click the following link to join the meeting.
There will not be any additional term of this course.
Wydział Filologiczny
plac Kopernika 11,
45-040 Opole
Uniwersytet Opolski
ul. Kopernika 11a
45-040 Opole
tel.: 77 541 59 03
Biuro Kanclerza
tel.: 77 541 60 70
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Regon: 000001382