ATTENTION 1 YEAR English Philology BA – you are obliged to participate in the Inauguration of the Academic Year 2021-2022 on 05.10.2021. Your classes on that day are cancelled. Arrive at ul. Drzymały 1a at 10:45 to sign the presence list. The Inauguration starts at 11:00. In case of questions, contact the coordinator dr M. Adams-Tukiendorf
Wydział Filologiczny
plac Kopernika 11,
45-040 Opole
Uniwersytet Opolski
ul. Kopernika 11a
45-040 Opole
tel.: 77 541 59 03
Biuro Kanclerza
tel.: 77 541 60 70
NIP: 754-000-71-79
Regon: 000001382