What is your name?
My name is Fatma Sezgin.

Where are you from?
I’m from Ankara in Turkey.

Could you please tell us about your education and work experience?
I graduated from Gazi University, where I gained my MA title.
I have about 12 years of experience in teaching English. I have been teaching English at Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University which is one of the most prominent universities in Ankara. Also, I’m a PhD candidate in English Language Teaching. I love teaching and learning from an early stage.

How do you find your visit here?
I’m here within Erasmus+ Staff Mobility from 15th to 18th May 2023. I love Opole very much! I’m impressed with the main building (Collegium Maius) – it is really beautiful and situated very conveniently- in the city centre.

What do you think about conducting classes here, at the University of Opole? What is similar to Turkish system? What is different?
It is quite similar – rooms are of the same size as in Turkey and they are equipped with all necessary appliances, which is very important especially if it comes to teaching English.

What do you think about the students?
At the beginning, they were quite shy, but after being encouraged and motivated, they cooperated very well! I really liked the atmosphere during the classes. Both. they and me felt comfortable and we had a nice time together.

Would like to come to Opole again?
For sure! With all my heart, I hope I will have an opportunity to come here once again!