Dni Kultury Afroamerykańskiej na Uniwersytecie Opolskim

Zapraszamy na Dni Kultury Afroamerykańskiej na Uniwersytecie Opolskim. Odbędą się  pod patronatem dziekana Wydziału Filologicznego oraz Katedry Nauk o Kulturze i Religii UO.

W programie:

CELEBRATING AFRICAN-AMERICAN CULTURE – seria wykładów Dra StanaBreckenridge’a.

Wydarzenie dostępne online w języku angielskim.


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Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie

Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach

Uniwersytet Opolski

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski


TUESDAY, March 2,  18:00 – 19:30

HOST :Pedagogical University of Krakow

TOPIC :  African American Music Styles,  (lecture/ performance followed by Q&A)

This lecture discloses music characteristics and performance practices in styles such as spirituals, ragtime, blues, New Orleans jazz, gospel, Haarlem stride, big band jazz, bebop, rhythm & blues, cool, soul, funk, disco, pop, hip-hop, and neo-soul.

THURSDAY,  March 4; 10:30- 12:00

HOST: Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce

TOPIC: Out of Love for Jazz (lecture/ performance followed by Q&A)

An engaging  lecture/concert about many inspirations of, and reflections on jazz. From spiritual music of the 19th century to soul music of the mid. 20th century, jazz inspirations , history and developments will be discussed and demonstrated with a selected repertoire.

TUESDAY, March 9, 11:00 -12:30

HOST: Opole University

TOPIC: The Significance of African American Music in Film (lecture/ performance followed by Q&A),

This lecture and performance present the significance of African American music in film and by performing various music excerpts show their relevance to the story and/or a specific scene.

THURSDAY,  March 11, 10:30 – 12:00 

HOST: University of Rzeszow
TOPIC : Civil Rights & Protest Songs of 1950s – 1960s (lecture/ performance followed by Q&A)

The lecture will discuss racial injustices, inequalities, and institutional racism that led to Civil Right Movement and will present civil rights and protest songs, used to educate, unify, and politically motivate people and sanctioned call-to-action activities that in effect promoted serious socio-cultural concerns to the entire nation.



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