Attention EP, EPC and MLA: Sign up for Erasmus+ mobility!

Dear students of English Philology, English in Public Communication and Master of Liberal arts! An additional intake for applications to study or train abroad is now open. Read the details here and send your application before midnight, Oct 10, 2023 including:

(1) application form filled in and signed by you;

(2) a covering letter that explains

(A) your motivation to go abroad,

(B) selection of the specific institution and

(C) the potential contribution of the mobility towards your personal growth.

Letters containing elaborate explanations based on the available information about the receiving institution and your study programme goals will be ranked the highest. The applications ought to be sent via email (only) to the departmental coordinator (dr. Michał Wanke, as PDF, ODT or DOCX files only named: „applicaton_name_surname_study-programme_study_year” and „letter_name_surname_study-programme_study_year” (eg, „application_michal_wanke_epc_2.pdf & letter_michal_wanke_epc_2.odt”).

Please note, that we will not accept applications that do not meet formal criteria as Erasmus+ programme is based on preparing documents.



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