The International Mobility Team of the Office for Research Cooperation and Project Managenent announces the recruitment for a student hybrid mobility (BIP) under the Erasmus+ Programme to participate in the Forthem Europa Forum Language Project – English language event. The online part is scheduled for November 2024, the on-site part will take place at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland from 9-13 June 2025. Students from FORTHEM partner universities will take part in the course. Students will receive 3 ECTS for classes taught in English.
Due to the specialised content of the planned workshops, the recruitment applies only to the English Philology students who have participated in the Europa Forum sessions and registered for the event with the BIP organiser. Paper applications (‘trip application’ and learning agreement) need to be submitted to the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Philology by 18.11.2024.
Application form
Learning agreement